Audit & Technical support

Audit of your service project

The evaluation, qualification and monitoring of suppliers or rather partners are fundamental to be aware of potential risks. Indeed, beyond the traditional certifications, ISO9001…, the satisfaction of provided services depends enormously on the people and the organization in place. This is particularly true with small and even medium-sized companies, which often have technical know-how in the hands of a reduced workforce and procedures are more verbal than written. There is no doubt about their technical capacity and quality of service, but there is a risk of deviation: ie performances are not equal during each shift. It is preferable to assess this risk and develop an adapted tracking plan prior to the start of execution.

Technical support

Specifications preparation, inspection protocols is often speed up with copy-past from more or less similar projects and more or less significant errors remain. A typical example is the thickness coating which can vary from one application to another, from one technology to another, sometimes leading to contradictions which are identified late: the service provider often being seen as expert, he executes the service according to its usual specification known by the workers. In the same way, protocols and means of measurement are rarely sufficiently defined, often in generic procedures or by assumption this is standard practice. In case of defect, what is the right method, the right means and above all what is fundamentally important for the performance of the service.

Running away from problems only increases the distance from the solution. The best way to escape your problems is to solve them.

- Annu Tiwari - 

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Contact information

16 rue des Chenevières
70000 PUSEY

+33 7 83 33 73 58